Subtitle Next level thinking - How to think, not what to think

Jacqui Jones
Price $25.99
Description Description "This is a gem of a book. The Greatfulness Guide gently teaches our kids the remarkable super power of gratitude by helping them see their life through a different lens: one of thankfulness." Rebecca Sparrow - Columnist, Speaker and Author.

If life is a journey, then this book is an unmissable stop along the way.
An essential read for every child before they hit their teenage years, The Greatfulness Guide is a practical and interactive resource that sets the foundations for strong mental health and positive, resilient thinking. This entertaining guidebook provides a map that teaches children step-by-step how to use their minds to care for themselves in times of stress or worry, and to truly flourish.
Packed with fun, engaging activities and real life examples from Novak Djokovic, Mel Robbins, Andy McCann, Isaiah Dawe and many others, The Greatfulness Guide teaches young people HOW to think, not WHAT to think, giving them the power, the self-belief, and the tools to bounce back from life's challenges. 

The Greatfulness Guide is based on the Greatfulness well-being program which has been taught to thousands of school children aged 8-13, reviewed by Australian Government mental health initiatives and endorsed by education standard authorities.
Format Trade Paperback 240 Pages
ISBN 9781911668145
Size5.43 in x 8.18 in / 137.92 mm x 207.77 mm
Published Date June 29th, 2021
Jacqui Jones
Jacqui Jones has over 20 years' experience in the field of education and social work with qualifications in social work, positive psychology and as a meditation teacher. Jacqui is also the Founder of the Greatfulness wellbeing program which is delivered in primary schools throughout Australia and has worked in many schools teaching students as well as delivering professional development to teachers and information sessions for parents. Jacqui's work has been featured in the education pages of the Sydney Morning Herald, the Catholic Schools magazine and many local papers and magazines. Her story has also been featured on Channel 7's The Daily Edition. Jacqui truly believes in the transformational power of meditation and credits this tool for helping her overcome major depression. She is living proof that meditation works and feels driven to share this tool with others in the hope of also helping them.
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