Subtitle Plans, Tips, and Prompts for Creating your Forever Home

The Khalighis
Price $17.99 / £12.99
Description Description Chronicle the story of how your house became a home, the people and pets who joined you there, and the memories made within.

Part workbook, part logbook, and part journal, Home serves as a record of everything and anything that has happened in or to your home over the years. Beginning with a chronicle of how you came to find your home, Home stays with you through all the celebrations, history making, and home projects, from huge renovations and changes to simple everyday fixer-upper tasks.

Beautifully designed and smartly organized, this home companion is divided into six sections, each primed to record all the special moments and important projects that will take place in your space.
  • The Road to Home covers the steps to home ownership, from notes on your search to closing details.
  • The History of a Home chronicles the history of the home you purchased and surrounding area folklore, legends, and interesting facts.
  • Welcome Home is the place to record all the things that are happening in your new house to make it your home.
  • Creating Your Space provides a place to list the different areas of your home, what you plan to do with them, and your ideas for decoration/renovation.
  • Projects in Progress is the section where you make your home project to-do lists and chart your progress, project by project.
  • Inner Workings is the most practical section, where you can record all the important information about your home and who to contact for issues or questions.

Paste in swatches, site surveys, business cards, or any kind of small mementos you want to keep safe and secure. With over 200 pages of guided writing space, you’ll be able to personalize your home diary in many special ways.

A wonderful keepsake that can be passed down through generations, Home collects all the memories and moments along the journey from house to home.
Format Paper Over Board 256 Pages
ISBN 9781577153863
Size6.00 in x 8.42 in / 152.40 mm x 213.87 mm
Published Date October 17th, 2023
The Khalighis
The Khalighis are Bayan and Cara, a husband-and-wife duo from Philadelphia who have been renovating and designing spaces together on the East Coast since 2013.
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