25 May, 2023

Meet Victor Archuleta, author of The Power of Energy Healing and Press Here: Chakras for Beginners

What does LGBTQ+ Pride mean to you?
LGBTQ+ Pride is an opportunity to celebrate our identity and self-expression while at the same time honor those that fought for our freedom to do so. It also is an opportunity for non-LGBTQ+ folks to become familiar with our community and celebrate our diversity together.

How do you celebrate Pride throughout the year?
Living in a small rural community where I can be fully self-expressed, especially with my husband, is cause for daily celebration. I don’t take it for granted and I am grateful that this is possible.

What’s your favorite queer space?
My life.

Who is a favorite queer writer?
I have great respect for the writing and messaging of Alok Menon. Alok clearly articulates the current state of living as an LGBTQ+ person with a bold and courageous voice. https://www.alokvmenon.com/writing

What words of celebration do you have for queer youth today?
I still gasp a bit when I see young LGBTQ+ couples walking on the street hand-in-hand. It’s such a simple, yet meaningful act that was not easily done when I was young. The Freedom to be fully self-expressed, the Courage to unabashedly live the life you choose, and the real Possibility of living a life without oppression or the threat of violence are all worthy of celebration.

Who in the queer community inspires you right now? 
Pete and Chasten Buttigieg – they are a beautiful example of how we can live healthy and vibrant lives with dignity and respect while exercising our unalienable right to pursue happiness.

What do you hope readers will get from your book?
Having the ability to facilitate the energetic flow and physical flow of the different body systems can also affect other areas of our lives that are stuck or sluggish. Life is movement and change; when we’re in the flow of life we are better able to experience the ever-present magic and miracles of life.  

What’s your favorite thing about being an author/creative?
Getting feedback from readers around the world.

Victor Archuleta is a healing practitioner with his own practice in the Los Angeles, California, area. He is trained as a yoga teacher and is a certified Reflexologist, a 3rd level Reiki practitioner, and is trained as a CranioSacral therapist. He is a member of the Reflexology Association of California and a member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.

Read about more Authors With PRIDE here!

Power of Energy Healing
Simple Practices to Promote Wellbeing
Victor Archuleta
Price $16.99
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